
Scrambled Eggs With Tomatoes And The Eight Magical Function

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4, Tomatoes involve vitamin C, there is lust, stomach digestion, cooling Pinggan of removing heat from the features and effects of lowering blood pressure, hypertension, renal patients were aided with special treatment to do good with. Eat extra tomatoes must do with aging, reserving peel just.

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1, Tomatoes are rich in carotene, vitamin B and C, in particular, vitamin P content in the maximum ranks of vegetables. Containing vitamin C, sugar and other raw materials rutin has anti-scurvy, moisturizing, and it namely good as protecting blood vessels, blood oppression, assistance absorption.

5, Tomato beverage may be nicotinic mordant to retain customary secretion into the ruddy blood cells must ensure the formation of blood vessels may aid to nourish flexibility and protect the skin. Consumption of tomatoes above the hindrance and treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease also help. Juicy tomatoes, a diuretic, nephritis patient should dine.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes is a very savory and nutritious edible, and it is very good for human's health.

3, Lycopene has a special antioxidant that can eradicate free radicals, protecting cells from damage to DNA and genes, can stop the illness process. In counting to tomatoes discourage prostate sarcoma must do with entities, merely also reduce pancreatic cancer, rectal cancer, laryngeal cancer, oral cancer, hazard of chest cancer and other cancers.

2, Lycopene contains cardiovascular protective vitamins and minerals, and likewise can depress heart bombard also.

6, Eggs were a miracle of nature, a extremely cultivated have eggs, the temperature can get opportunity, no need to join any nutrients from the appearance, you tin hatch a chicken, this is ample eggs nutrition.

7, Egg is a nutritious food containing protein, portly, eggs yolk element, lecithin, vitamin and steel, calcium, potassium and other minerals needed for people body. Prominent vantage is that eggs contain the best protein in nature. 8, Eggs rich in DHA and lecithin, etc., and physical development of the nervous system has to do with a very great can of head to prevent the elderly cerebral ebb,Some Recommended Alexander Wang Handbags, and may must alteration the memory in all age teams. A lot of longevity is one of the elderly live longer experience will eat an egg a daytime.

